the last call.........

I never knew I would ultimately carashland so pathetically and prove myself such a complete failure.It is not that I am easily bogged down by failures.....but its about something else.Today I can only feel proud of being the bestest of the best loser,an ass who has lost himself,an idiot who can never make use of opportunities being offered and the most pathetic person who cannot manage things.I am just trying to recollect that when the engine failed and I was actually just flying a plane without fuel OR when it was that I missed the safety ejection.
Today I just stand at the crossroad ,where my life is completely messed up and has become so complicated that the very thought of solving it is so terrifying.Being cool is something different but being obnoxiously casual is catostrophic.Today I cannot manage my ownself,my friends,my parents and my life.I have screwed myself as badly as I could and projecting myself completely opposite as to what I am or what I could have done but I know giving explanations and justifications make no sense now.
I am afraid that I am not that thick skinned that I wouldnt learn anything out of it.I am afraid that I am not just making promoises in storms only to be forgotten in calms.I am afraid that I have not become a dog's tail that can never be straightened and would repeat everything again.
Now it is actually becoming frustratingly impossible to accept and swallow all my mistakes and learn the lessons in one push...I have failed as miserably as I could and devastated myself as badly as I could.EVERYTHING SUCKS !!But in the end like a true soldier you just take responsibilty of your actions and strive to put things back to order.



May 31, 2009 at 3:40 PM

Aren't you in a very good situation? Can you screw things up anymore? I guess not! So the only thing you can do is make things better... so get back in the game and kick ass...!! :P :D