What is this life if,full of care.
we have no time,to stand and stare.
everybody is busy in,riding his mare.
nobody knows,what's life worth and tare.
only a few people put,this in working gear.
there is a story of ,wise and clever hare.
who kills the lion,and saves his life with care.
in this material world,everybody is a player.
who act thy part well,and achieve the glare.
those people who are not,content with their share
have an evil eye on others,lot come to dispair.
to know the AIM OF LIFE is,not an easy affair.
in knowing this fact make,yourself fully prepare.
a golden tip of life,is there
success comes to those who dare.
be a cosmopolitan and do the worlds welfare.
o foolish man!have the sense to distinguish between fowl and fair.
time is so almighty he wont spare.
when your warrants will be issued from here
then instantaneously you have to report there.
all your deeds will be scrutnized with care.
for your ill actions you have to bear the vare.
so in order to get heaven's stair
put yourself in gods feet and prayer.
then you will feel that he is in you and everywhere.
so become aware of every affair and work hard to prove your flair.
November 11, 2008 at 10:49 PM
this is obscenely over-rhymed :D
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