would be a yet another
red letter day
in the history
the great regiment,
'the last warriors'.

'the last warriors'
The Esoterics,Mind conflicts and Ratiocinations of a stealthy warrior.
THUS AND SO EMBELLISHED HONSHU Saturday, March 27, 2010 AT 18:30
I am a modern Robinhood,
Both near and far I roam.
My steed is a fighter plane
That loves the ocean foam.
And she ,she is an heiress,
Just as in a dream,
She has her foolish hobbies,
One is a submarine.
It came to pass one day last Jan,
While I was in the air,
A shipwrecked submarine I spied,
And she,my lady fair.
I did not even stop to think,
But just pulled lever three.
And like a great big soaring bird,
I glided to the sea.
Upto the submarine I went,
Stepped out upon its deck.
Right before me waiting was
The lady of the wreck.
In my arms I gathered her,
And placed her in my plane.
Brr...zip...once more we started off,
Headed for the land again.
We reached it safely very soon,
I lifted her to earth,
Said she,"Kind Sir,you're very brave.
You've saved me from the surf.
A kiss from me is you reward,
For my rescue from the billows,"
I thought I clasped her in my arms,
But hell-I kissed some pillows.
what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over
what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over
THUS AND SO EMBELLISHED HONSHU Sunday, June 7, 2009 AT 21:17
Well, you call me your baby
When you're holding my hand
But the way that you hurt me
I just don't understand
Well, you say that you need me
Like an ocean needs sand
But the way you deceive me
I just don't understand
Well,you are closest to me
Free to share whatever you can
But the way you take me for granted
I just don't understand
Well, you know that I love you
More than anyone can
But a one-sided love
I just don't understand
Well, you know that I love you
More than anyone can
But a one-sided love
I just don't understand
Well, you call me your baby
When you're holding my hand
Oh, how you can hurt me
I just don't understand