would be a yet another
red letter day
in the history
the great regiment,
'the last warriors'.

'the last warriors'
The Esoterics,Mind conflicts and Ratiocinations of a stealthy warrior.
THUS AND SO EMBELLISHED HONSHU Saturday, March 27, 2010 AT 18:30
I am a modern Robinhood,
Both near and far I roam.
My steed is a fighter plane
That loves the ocean foam.
And she ,she is an heiress,
Just as in a dream,
She has her foolish hobbies,
One is a submarine.
It came to pass one day last Jan,
While I was in the air,
A shipwrecked submarine I spied,
And she,my lady fair.
I did not even stop to think,
But just pulled lever three.
And like a great big soaring bird,
I glided to the sea.
Upto the submarine I went,
Stepped out upon its deck.
Right before me waiting was
The lady of the wreck.
In my arms I gathered her,
And placed her in my plane.
Brr...zip...once more we started off,
Headed for the land again.
We reached it safely very soon,
I lifted her to earth,
Said she,"Kind Sir,you're very brave.
You've saved me from the surf.
A kiss from me is you reward,
For my rescue from the billows,"
I thought I clasped her in my arms,
But hell-I kissed some pillows.